Michael Gorsuch

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No longer posting here

Just a heads up that I’ve moved my blog.

You can expect to see future canary updates popping up here.

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Canary Weekly #2

Hey, we made it to 2!

Rackspace sponsorship

I’m very excited and humbled to announce that Rackspace has offered to sponsor canary.io development by generously providing us with hosting services. This has allowed us to expand our pool of sensord instances into new areas.

Special thanks to Jesse Noller and to Kyle Kelley for making all of this possible.


Within a few hours after the canary.io project was announced, Jeremy Green began developing a dashboard to help people make sense of the raw data.

I’m happy to say that we are now hosting this under the canary.io domain, found at watch.canary.io.

Core services vision document

As noted in the previous issue of Canary Weekly, it was clear that I needed to write up a document describing the goal of the core services of Canary - the inner foundation upon which the other services (or your own) can be built.


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Canary Weekly #1

I thought it’d be nice to capture some of the recent events surrounding the canary.io project. I won’t promise that these sorts of updates will go on indefinitely, but I think it is important to help gather notes on the recent developments to help keep interested parties in the loop.

Since this is the first issue, and I’m the one writing it, I’ll take some liberties and go back a couple weeks ;-)

Core Platform News

  • current work has focused on bringing stability and sanity to the core components. See initial goals in this issue
  • improving user experience is the next challenge, but is likely a few weeks out before we have the bandwidth to start tackling that
  • most work has gone towards instrumentation. I have chosen to lean on Librato as the target, but anyone is welcome to contribute other targets if they need them
  • many thanks to @anachronistic for his contributions and guidance so...

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Bringing Coherence to Canary.io

Last week I announced a rough preview of canary.io via a simple gist. The document helped explain the core goals of the project and demonstrated how to interact with the API.

I was very pleased at the enthusiastic community reaction - it was a bit of a dice roll to announce in this manner. Soon after the announcement, local hacker Jeremy Green built a demonstration of a dashboard (preview it live here) and Rick Yoesting started working on Hubot integration. Three days later, I gave a lightning talk at Monitorama in Portland and received even more positive feedback. It’s nice to see some small validation of our approach, and it is humbling that so many are willing to contribute to the cause.

Brandon and I are now engaging in the process of productionization and productization, aiming to make the various components more operable and the resultant system more comprehensible. Our...

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